Microsoft memory diag
Microsoft memory diag

microsoft memory diag

Remember that the naming convention of files should not be modified or else we will not be able to analyze them using LDParser or LDGrapher. This utility is very useful as we can collect the unresolved stack frames without any performance impact on the process and later we can resolve symbols of it.

microsoft memory diag


Also this setting can be done by modifying the registry key as below:Ĭopy Code sdecode /z c:\memtest.dmp /y c:\winnt srv*\\symbols\symbols Log123.xml NewLog.xml We can also automate the process of snapshots taking by modifying autodiag.ini, this file you can find in the folder where the LeakDiag is installed. We should take as many snapshots as possible, more the snapshots it is easier to find out the leaking stacks. This will collect all stack frames which have allocated the memory and are not freed up till then. We can take snapshots after fixed interval by clicking log button. Now after selecting the appropriate allocator, click Start to start the analysis of your code, after some tome and interval, take the snapshot of stacks by clicking log button and the LeakDiag will take some time to log as per the selected option (Resolve Symbols). We can select more than one allocator as well at a time by pressing ctrl key.


Out of all above allocators, the important ones are Windows Heap Allocators and COM Allocators, which cause leaks in most of the cases. Below are the meanings of all listed allocators: Here in the list box, you will see all the available processes as how we could see them in Task Manager, and there is another list which asks about Memory Allocators. The main window of LeakDiag will look like below: Click Ok and you are done with initial required settings. You also need to mention the log file path where you want to store the generated logs. I suggest to resolve symbols later so do not check this checkbox. This option can be checked if our application is small and doesn’t acquire much of RAM, but for applications which use huge memory space and which run on server for a long time, resolving symbols at the time of logging will not be a good option as the system hangs while collecting the stack frames and resolving symbols for each of them (In large scale applications, there can be large number of stack frames which doesn’t). The check box Resolve symbols when logging states whether we want to resolve the symbols at the time of logging or not. Set the public symbol path as well as your local symbol path here, refer to the below figure: Go to open the tool and go to tools -> Options. The first thing we need to do is to set public symbol path ( srv*c:\symcache*). We need to do some initial settings before we actually start collecting logs. We will see this procedure in detail below. The output of this tool is an XML file which contains all stack frames that have allocated the memory and not freed up at the time of snapshot. We can use this tool to find memory leaks of simple EXE as well as Windows Service the good thing here is I need not stop the application to start leak analysis. This is freeware used to detect memory leaks in small as well as large scale enterprise applications, very simple and handy to use. (This might be your desktop or a server machine.) What is LeakDiag ?


Download and install this tool on the system where our application is running. This is a tool developed and distributed by Microsoft and is freely available on Microsoft’s FTP at. If you want to find memory leaks in your program without investing in such tools, then please go ahead and read this article. As this is very common problem with C++ code, there are many tools developed to analyze memory leaks, such as Rational Purifier, Bounds Checker, but these tools are not freely available. Memory leak problems are relatively complex and challenging when the code base is huge and complex, the problem increases if our application is running on server for multiple days.

Microsoft memory diag